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Slot Die Coater

Technical Data

Slot Die Coater

Company: nTact
Model: nRad 1
Substrate size: Maximum 279 x 210 mm² (DIN A4)
Substrate type: Glass, plastic, metal foils, silicon wafers
Rigid or flexible
Substrate holder: Heated porous ceramic chuck (up to 50 °C)
Heated reservoir & stirrer: Up to 90 °C
Substrate thickness: Rigid: 0,5 – 6 mm
Flexible: > 100 μm
Coating thickness range: 20 nm – 100 μm (dry; depending on material & system options)
Coating uniformity*: ± 3% or better for films over 150 nm
± 5% or better for films 50 and 150 nm
Leading/Trailing edge effect*: 5 – 10 mm or better
Coating material viscosity range: Standard 1 – 70 mPa*s
Up to 5000 mPas*s with high viscosity pump (upgrade necessary)
System fill volume*: As low under 10 ml
Special features: Printing of stripes in coating direction is possible
Accessories: 71 mm die (width)
203 mm die (width)
50,8 μm (2 mil) & 76,2 μm (3 mil) shims (thickness)

*Performance achievable with materials optimized for slot die coating. This metric is highly material dependent.